ADA compliance People with disabilities expect businesses to take positive steps to comply with the ADA. Businesses that do not take steps to comply may face legal consequences. Several ways to obtain ADA compliance The ADA gives people with disabilities the right to file lawsuits in Federal court and obtain Federal court orders to stop…

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Did you get the memo on website accessibility? With the latest legal and regulatory developments, you’d better make sure you did. The time is now for web accessibility in higher education. Literally. Next month at the EDUCAUSE annual national conference, web accessibility will get the lion’s share of the agenda. No fewer than 11 sessions focus…

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DEFRAY YOUR EXPENSES FOR WEBSITE ACCESSIBILITY As a small business owner or senior manager, you are always looking for ways to improve profit, reduce costs and better serve your customers, clients, and employees. Thanks to recent changes in website accessibility requirements you could be eligible for a $5,000 credit. Through the IRS Code Section 44, Disabled…

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